Business List
The following local businesses will accept Ducats. Look for the Ducats Welcome Here Sign/Stickers.
Most of these businesses have their own Facebook page. Give them a LIKE and share some comments about using your Ducats there.
It is important that we get feedback about your use of the Ducats, any problems you have, customer service shown by the businesses and any ideas/suggestions to improve the Ducats Program. Comment on our Ducats Currency Facebook Page or send me an email.
Thanks for your support. Let's hope you are so impressed that you will use more Ducats when you shop and tell all your friends.
The following local businesses will accept Ducats. Look for the Ducats Welcome Here Sign/Stickers.
Most of these businesses have their own Facebook page. Give them a LIKE and share some comments about using your Ducats there.
It is important that we get feedback about your use of the Ducats, any problems you have, customer service shown by the businesses and any ideas/suggestions to improve the Ducats Program. Comment on our Ducats Currency Facebook Page or send me an email.
Thanks for your support. Let's hope you are so impressed that you will use more Ducats when you shop and tell all your friends.